Ashoka Health Equity Interns
Dr. Jain has worked with and mentored graduate students across sectors for the past 20 years. In Fall 2020, she formally established an "Ashoka Health Equity Internship" program, named after her father Ashok K. Jain, an endearing Professor of Engineering and a brilliant mind, well-loved by his students, with DNA for health-education-justice equity focused graduate students globally who strive to make the world a better place, using innovative, interdisciplinary, equity-centered research and evaluation.
We look forward to fostering young minds to challenge the norms, use evidence to inform action, and be the change - ensuring DNA is an important stepping stone on their career paths.
We have had:
- In gratitude, Dr. Sonia
We look forward to fostering young minds to challenge the norms, use evidence to inform action, and be the change - ensuring DNA is an important stepping stone on their career paths.
We have had:
- 2021/22 Health Equity Interns Cohort 1
- 2023/24 Health Equity Interns Cohort 2
- 2024/25 Cohort 3 (Soon)
- In gratitude, Dr. Sonia