Select Publications
Select publications are provided to give you an idea of the level of breadth and depth of knowledge and methods we provide. Additional papers, reports and presentations available upon request.
Project New Start Tattoo-Removal Program Evaluation, Alameda County Public Health (2011)
Evaluating the Implementation of a Collaborative Juvenile Reentry System in Oakland, California. (2018). Jain S., Cohen A., Jaganathan P., Leung Y., Bassey H., and Bedford S. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
School Climate and Physical Adolescent Relationship Abuse: Differences by sex, socioeconomic status and bullying. (2018). Jain S., Cohen A., Paglisotti T., Subramanyam M., Chopel A., and Miller L. Journal of Adolescence, 66, 71-82.
Restorative Justice Implementation and Impacts in Oakland Schools. (2015). Jain S., Bassey H., Brown M. and Kalra P. Evaluation Report for Restorative Justice Initiative in Oakland USD.
Highlights of the Evening Reporting Centers in Alameda County: A Promising Model of Alternatives to Detention,(2012) Jain S., Cohen A., and Bassey H. Evaluation Report for Alameda County Probation Department.
Protective Factors for Youth Exposed to Violence: Role of Developmental Assets in Building Emotional Resilience. (2013). Jain S, Buka SL, Subramanian SV, and Molnar BE. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 10(1), 107-129.
Neighborhood predictors of dating violence victimization and perpetration in young adulthood: a multilevel study. (2010). Jain S, Buka SL, Subramanian SV, and Molnar BE, American Journal of Public Health, 15;100(9), 1737-44.
Behavioral Adaptation Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A longitudinal multidisciplinary study of family, peer, and neighborhood-level protective factors. (2013). Jain S and Cohen A. Prevention Science, 14:6, 606-617.
National Institute of Justice Technical Report. The Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience. Jain S and Cohen A.
Systems Change Across Sectors: A Collaborative Community-based Approach to Improving Outcomes for Reentry Youth in Oakland. (2012). Jain S, Cohen A and Bassey H. Process Evaluation Report for City of Oakland.
Building a Community of Decision-Makers. Evaluation of an Early Childhood System of Care Governance System. (2013). Jain S, Cohen A and Bassey H.
Education: A missed opportunity for public health intervention. (2013). Cohen A and Syme L. American Journal of Public Health, 103:6, 997-1001.
Why We Need Urban Health Equity Indicators: Integrating Science, Policy, and Community. (2012). Corburn J and Cohen AK, OPEN Medicine, 9, 1-6.
Building a Community of Decision-Makers. Evaluation of an Early Childhood System of Care Governance System. (2013). Jain S, Cohen A and Bassey H.
Education: A missed opportunity for public health intervention. (2013). Cohen A and Syme L. American Journal of Public Health, 103:6, 997-1001.
Why We Need Urban Health Equity Indicators: Integrating Science, Policy, and Community. (2012). Corburn J and Cohen AK, OPEN Medicine, 9, 1-6.