Research & Evaluation
How well is your program meeting your community's needs? What's working well or not? What difference are you making? Could your services or system-level strategies be improved?
DNA is guided by the principles of "Action Research", or research that aims to directly and positively impact the participants' lives. We also use principles of "Empowerment Evaluation" that aim to build the capacity of local participants to plan, implement and self-evaluate. Through this approach, we link theory, research, and practice in pursuit of practical, evidence-based solutions to issues of pressing issues. We use both qualitative and quantitative methods to capture the collective voice of all those impacted and conduct advanced statistical analyses (e.g., longitudinal analysis, multilevel multi-variate modelling) as needed.
We also highly value research and have the capacity to convert evaluation results and study findings into peer-based articles for publication. In agreement with the client and involving minimal time from them, we coordinate the development and publication of research papers to advance knowledge in the field, learn from local programs, and highlight best practices and promising program lists.
Sample Evaluation Report
Sample Evaluation Report2
Sample Research Paper
Sample Technical Report
Sample Evaluation Brief
DNA is guided by the principles of "Action Research", or research that aims to directly and positively impact the participants' lives. We also use principles of "Empowerment Evaluation" that aim to build the capacity of local participants to plan, implement and self-evaluate. Through this approach, we link theory, research, and practice in pursuit of practical, evidence-based solutions to issues of pressing issues. We use both qualitative and quantitative methods to capture the collective voice of all those impacted and conduct advanced statistical analyses (e.g., longitudinal analysis, multilevel multi-variate modelling) as needed.
We also highly value research and have the capacity to convert evaluation results and study findings into peer-based articles for publication. In agreement with the client and involving minimal time from them, we coordinate the development and publication of research papers to advance knowledge in the field, learn from local programs, and highlight best practices and promising program lists.
Sample Evaluation Report
Sample Evaluation Report2
Sample Research Paper
Sample Technical Report
Sample Evaluation Brief